Dynamic test tools
Getting System Behavior Over the Long Term. Visualizing the Entire System Along with Absolute Time to Contribute to Performance Margin Measurement and Quality Improvement.
- Get trace data only with software.
- Recording and visualizing program behavior in actual actions give you at-a-glance view of the behavior.
- The tool captures rarely occurring fault phenomena and easily detects bugs to solve them in a short time.
- The tool can be used from integration tests to system tests, which significantly reduces the number of development man-hours.
- Complete measurement can be performed accurately without errors.
- Using a specialized GUI tool to easily insert a checkpoint (a mechanism to observe program behavior) into an object to be analyzed.
Case Studies
Case Study 1
Visualize abnormal Ethernet operation with TRQerS. Quickly solve customer problems.
Case Study 2
Dispel "first time" anxiety with TRQerS. Used for performance tuning of Multifunction machines farms.
Case Study 3
Dynamic analysis is effective for multi-core engine ECU. Quickly detect exclusive control processing that affects performance.
Case Study 4
Dynamic analysis of driving support camera firmware. Strengthen verification power with the transition to multi-core.
Case Study 5
Check with human ears while moving the actual machine. Dynamic analysis is indispensable for improving the performance of electronic musical instruments.