adviceLUNA / TRQer Support

No Available Resource

[Scope of application]

[Error message]
No Available Resource

(1) Delete the number of necessary event resources, which have been registered.
To delete event resources, select the [Execution Control] menu → [Event Setting/List] to display the event list window.
Right-click an event you want to delete and select [Delete].

(2) After checking the number of usable events, specify a range for the number of usable events counted from “e0".

(1) This error message appears if the setting to use the event resource is added in the status that all event resources are used.

(2) This error message appears if event No. exceeding the number of event resources to be used is used with the“event"command.
(For example, if the number of usable events is “3", “e3" is specified for the event No.)


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