adviceLUNA / TRQer Support

[Error]Sticky error occurred. Reset the target.

[Scope of application]
ARM Cortex

[Error message]
ICE Error No.f56: Sticky overrun error occurred.
ICE Error No.f58: Sticky error occurred. Reset the target.
ICE Error No.f59: Sticky compare error occurred.

This error is output when the fatal error occurred in CoreSight circuit.
This error occurs only for Cortex core.

- JTAG/SWD clock frequency may too high.
Choose [MPU]-[MPU-Spefic Setting]-[User System], and change "JTAG/SWD clock" value to 1MHz.
- MPU may dead lock.
Check if there is another error before the occurrence of this error.
- When the "Memory Protection Unit" is enabled, accessing region which is not set by MPU causes this error.
Please ensure that Region 0 covers all address spaces.
- accessing region where the bus cycle does not terminate.
Do not access region where the bus cycle is not terminated.

In case this error occurs, subsequent operation of the ICE cannot be performed properly.
For recovery steps, see manual Section 25.1 "Re-initialization of User System"(adviceLUNA).
For recovery steps, see manual Section 26.1 "Re-initialization of User System"(adviceLUNA II).


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