Question:What is the difference between NETIMPRESSnext and old model (MegaNETIMPRESS/C"arNETIMPRESS)?

Modified specification

1.Target probe selection switch is discontinued (selection is made on FUNC CD0).
*AF320/AF420 without CAN interface has no target probe selection switch.

2.VPP voltage output is abolished.

3. Elimination of single key model (equivalent to AF320/AF520)
Switching to SINGLE KEY MODE which can operate only EXE key and RESET key is possible with the long press of the RESET key.

4. Buzzer sound is abolished.

5. Change of external key interface. (Its function becomes part of Digital I/O function.)

Additional features

1.Barcode function

2.Digital I/O function

3.Log output function

4.Increased communication baud rate
UART 614,400pbs → 2Mbps / CSI 5Mbps → 10Mbps

5.YIM folder copy function by remote control from PC


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